We are in Barga ( Filecchio), 30 Km far from Lucca e 60 Km from Pisa Airport. If you fly to Pisa, yo can choose a low cost rent car here.


via Posta (in Filecchio), 25 – 55051 Barga.

GPS Coordinates

For GPS: 44.05360600547248, 10.501159429550171.


Leaving Lucca motorway, continuing the journey along the ring – road you will find some signs for Barga.

At Borgo a Mozzano, along the main road which runs parallel to the river Serchio you will find the “Devil’s bridge”.

After Ponte all’Ania you will find the sign for Filecchio (on the right). Take the right onto Piazzale Pagnini, following Via Posta. We are at n. 25.

Choose our gate and park the car in the garden.